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Tag Archives: Legislation
CHM Practicum – WAC copyright assignment
Hi all,
Just another quick note to tell you about the work I have been doing as part of my cultural heritage management practicum with the World Archaeological Congress (WAC). I have been working with Ashley Sands as part of the Global Libraries Program, researching the current international copyright and intellectual property (IP) laws regarding electronic materials, e.g. journal articles, ebooks etc. The Global Libraries Program hopes to use this information to develop a digital academic database, which would ensure that all Global Libraries have the same materials and resources as high income libraries, thus, levelling he playing field of knowledge across the globe.
My main research question is:
What are the current international laws regarding copyright?
The sub-questions analyse in detail what is allowed and was is prohibited by these laws in regards to uploading personal collections, uploading the work of others and whether domestic laws have an impact on such arrangements.
It has been an interesting research task and I’m really looking forward to seeing what the Global Libraries Program creates as a result.
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Posted in Student Posts
Tagged Legislation, Student Placements, World Archaeological Congress
CHM Practicum update: WAC mail out
Hi all,
Just a quick note to tell you about the work I have been doing as part of my cultural heritage practicum with the World Archaeological Congress (WAC). As you may remember, I have been working with Ashley Sands on the Global Libraries Program. Just to remind you of what Global Libraries Program is: The Global Libraries Program aims to develop the archaeological literary collections of low income institutions. By supporting these libraries, the program hopes to assist students and professionals of archaeology and cultural heritage management, by providing academic resources to help their study or work. There are currently 45 libraries across the globe.
My task as part of the practicum was to conduct a mailout of over one thousand books and journals to 43 countries. I did this mail out independently but surprisingly, it didn’t take that long to do. Ashley Sands provided me with a list that described which books had to be sent to each country, so from there I began organising the books. My methods were quite simple, organise the books, stuff them in an envelope, attach the neccessary documentation, seal, stamp etc. Any remaining books were sent back to Ashley Sands in Los Angeles.
Two main issues arose whilst completing this mail out. Firstly, where could I store the books and the envelopes during the prac? And how were we going to pay for postage? I stored most of the books in the Map Room and in Hum 112. I also used these spaces to organise the books and prepare the packages. The issue of postage is yet to be resolved. I was allocated a postage budget but the total cost of postage far exceeded what I was allocated. I guess I’ll have to keep to posted on what happens with that.
Hope you’re all well and good luck with exams and assignments!
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Posted in Student Posts
Tagged Legislation, Student Placements, World Archaeological Congress
Cultural Heritage and the Law masterclass – 27th August 2010
This master class was conducted by Andrew Collett. Andrew is a highly respected Adelaide lawyer with extensive experience in the areas of Aboriginal heritage, native title, administrative, personal injuries and industrial law. In his early career he worked as a solicitor and barrister for the Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement and was retained as junior counsel to act for all Aboriginal interests before the Royal Commission into British Nuclear Tests in Australia. He was subsequently retained as counsel by the traditional owners of the Maralinga Lands.
Andrew has also been retained as counsel for Aboriginal people and organisations in the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, the Hindmarsh Island Bridge Royal Commission, Children in State Care Inquiry, various native title claims (including in the Federal Court proceedings for the De Rose Hill Native Title Claim) and in the first South Australian “stolen children” action. In 2007 Andrew was also the Assistant Commissioner in the Children on APY Lands Inquiry. During his career Andrew has held a number of significant roles including: Chairperson of the South Australian campaign against racial exploitation and as a member of the Law Society of South Australia’s human rights and Aboriginal issues committees.
In this master class Andrew shared his expertise and teaching students about:
How to locate heritage and related legislation;
How to read and understand various pieces of heritage legislation from around the country and how they differ;
How to understand how other legislation interacts with heritage legislation (e.g., environmental and native title legislation);
Various case studies that demonstrate the importance of working within relevant heritage legislation; and
How heritage professionals may interact with the courts in their careers and issues relating to expert witness issues.
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Andrew Collett (fifth from right) with staff and students at the master class |
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Posted in Department Announcements
Tagged Cultural Heritage Management, Legislation, Master Class